
Before voting for Holmdel BOE in the November 2024 election:
在 2024 年 11 月選舉中投票給 Holmdel BOE 之前:

1. Read the real incidents about Terence Wall and his long history of harassment, intimidation, and bullying ("HIB") including 2 lawsuits just this past year. 

閱讀有關特倫斯沃爾 (Terence Wall) 的真實事件以及他長期的騷擾、恐嚇和欺凌 (“HIB”) 歷史,包括去年發生的 2 起法律事件。

2. Think about this - most people don't have a single incident of HIB but Wall has so many, it makes you cringe!

想想看-大多數人沒有發生過一次 HIB 事件,但 Wall 卻發生過這麼多次,這讓你感到畏縮!

3. Decide whether he should be re-elected to Holmdel's BOE, a position that will materially affect our children's education and future.


4. Help spread the word to friends and family.


A History of Conduct Unbecoming?

Pattern of Incidents Over the Past 20+ years

September 18, 2024 - Wall was called out as dismissive and is offensive because he called the Facebook group of more than 1,000 Holmdel moms as "Fakebook" and "anti-social media" simply because they don't agree with Wall on the transportation issue.

2024 年9 月18 日- 沃爾被指責為輕蔑和冒犯,因為他將1000 多名Holmdel 媽媽組成的Facebook 群組稱為“假書”和“反社交媒體”,僅僅是因為他們在交通問題上不同意沃爾的觀點。

May 2024 - $850,000 settlement of a whistleblower lawsuit against Township of Jackson, Mayor Michael Reina and Business Administrator Terence Wall.  This is essentially an admission of guilt!  The 2021 lawsuit alleged that Wall and the other defendants "engaged in a pattern and practice of unlawful harassment ...".

2023 年 10 月 - 據稱強迫傑克遜鎮建築檢查員“移開視線”,然後在他們不移開目光時騷擾和威脅他們。

October 2023 - Allegedly coerced Jackson Township Building Inspectors to "look away" and then harassed and threatened them when they would not.

2023 年 10 月 - 据称强迫杰克逊镇建筑检查员“移开视线”,然后在他们不看的时候骚扰和威胁他们。

October 2021 - Made false and intentionally misleading accusations that resulted in an ethics complaint filed against him.  Despite Terence Wall attempt to spin it, his lawyer filed to dismiss but it was NOT DISMISSED.  The case was closed only AFTER 2 opposing candidates won their election and they decided to withdraw the complaint on the naive assumption of furthering cooperation on the BOE.

2021 年 10 月 - 做出虛假且故意誤導性的指控,導致針對他提出道德投訴。 儘管特倫斯沃爾試圖扭轉這一局面,但他的律師提出駁回,但最終沒有被駁回。 直到兩名對立候選人贏得選舉後,此案才結案,他們天真地假設要在英國央行進一步合作,並決定撤回投訴。

January 2006 - Made allegations of anti-Semitic remarks by then-Holmdel Mayor Serena DiMaso without providing any proof when pressed.

2006 年 1 月 - 指控時任霍姆德爾市長塞雷娜·迪馬索發表反猶太主義言論,但在追問時未提供任何證據。

January 2006 - Pointed out by then-Mayor Serena DiMaso that Wall has "a pattern of deceit and manipulation" that spans years.


2002 - Subject of Holmdel Township prosecution for harassment, disorderly conduct and disrupting a public meeting.

2002 年 - 因騷擾、擾亂公共集會而被霍姆德爾鎮起訴。

October 2001 - Censured by the Holmdel Township Committee for violating ethics standards.

2001年10月 - 因違反道德標準而受到霍姆德爾鎮委員會的譴責。

October 2001 - Had a police report filed against him by then-Deputy Mayor Gray Aumiller.

2001 年 10 月 - 時任副市長格雷·奧米勒 (Gray Aumiller) 向警方舉報了他。

Sept. 18, 2024 - Wall called out as dismissive and is offensive at BOE meeting

During the public comment session at the BOE meeting, a Holmdel resident and an administrator of a Facebook group called Holmdel Moms with more than 1,000 members called Wall dismissive because he referred to the group as "Fakebook" and "anti-social" simply because Wall doesn't agree with their comments saying about Wall and the  transportation issues.


"... to call it fake book because you don't agree with what the town is saying about you, and the Board of Ed said that you don't care about parents opinions. That's the voice of the community you serve. And to dismiss the people you serve is offensive."


"You showed everyone who is watching that you don't really care about us as a community ..."


BOE Meeting video  (time mark 1:42:19):



May 2024 - Whistleblower Lawsuit Against Jackson Mayor Mike Reina and Terence Wall Settled for $850,000

A whistleblower lawsuit filed against the Township of Jackson, Mayor Michael Reina and Business Administrator Terence Wall was settled around May 2024 for $850,000.  Attorneys usually don't settle a lawsuit, especially for a relatively large sum of money, if they believe they have a decent case to defend.


The plaintiff, a former Director of Public Works in Jackson, filed the lawsuit in 2021 and Wall was his manager or supervisor during the relevant time of the lawsuit. 


According to the lawsuit:


Terence Wall and other defendants "began to engage in a pattern and practice of unlawful harassment directed at the plaintiff" in retaliation to the plaintiff engaging in "good faith opposition to unlawful employment activities on the part of the Township."


While this incident occurred in Jackson Township, Wall's alleged conduct in a professional role as Jackson's Business Administrator must be viewed through the lens of harassment, intimidation, and bullying policy and whether this kind of conduct is professional and appropriate.




See also civil case OCN-00797-21 filed on March 24, 2021 by Fred Rasiewicz in Ocean County.




2023 - Explosive Whistleblower Lawsuit Filed Against Jackson Mayor Mike Reina and Terence Wall

In October 2023, an explosive whistleblower lawsuit alleged that Jackson Mayor Mike Reina and Business Manager Terence Wall repeatedly coerced the Township's building inspectors to massively "look away" for his important friends, and openly threatened to terminate their employment if they didn't do the dirty work they demanded.


According to the lawsuit:


"... Mr. Wall became unhinged by Schmalz’s response and began mischaracterizing his statement to accuse him of threatening to “rubber stamp things.” Mr. Wall further expressly threatened Schmalz with termination and that he would do everything in his power to take away his licenses so that he could never be employed in his field anywhere else.


Schmalz told Mr. Wall to stop twisting his words and confirmed that he always performs his duties and responsibilities in accordance with the law. Mr. Wall became increasingly agitated and started yelling at him. Mr. Wall eventually slammed his books and left the meeting without resolving the salary discrepancies amongst new and existing employees within the Building Department.


Mr. Wall’s harassment and refusal to pay existing employees within the Building Department at appropriate rates was in further retaliation for Schmalz and other Building Department employees’ complaints and refusal to participate in unlawful conduct under the UCC and other applicable law."


Like the other whistleblower lawsuit filed by Rasiewicz that was settled in May 2024, Wall's alleged conduct in a professional role as Jackson's Business Administrator must be viewed through the lens of harassment, intimidation, and bullying policy and whether this kind of conduct is professional and appropriate.




Also by Randy Bergmann, a Jackson resident and former Editor of Asbury Park Press's Editorial page:


2021 - Ethics Complaint Filed Against Wall for Making False Allegations

In October 2021, a joint ethics complaint was filed by three BOE candidates against Terence Wall for making "materially false and intentionally misleading accusations" against them by saying that they were being controlled by a union."


The attorney for Wall tried to get the ethics complaint dismissed but IT WAS NOT DISMISSED.


Two of the three candidates were elected in the November 2021 election and all three candidates agreed to withdraw their complaint because they, perhaps naively, “believe that it will be in the public interest for a united School Board to work collaboratively on a going-forward basis.”  The case was closed only because they withdrew the complaint.


The withdrawal of the complaint doesn't alter the actions of Wall during the election.  As stated in the Complaint, there is no basis in fact for his assertions and Wall provided no evidence whatsoever to support these false, misleading, and unethical allegations.


The complaint went on to say "The false and misleading statements are clearly incendiary, defamatory, and partisan political statements.  This is further evidenced by partisan political posts that were later published on his Facebook campaign page ..."





2006 - Wall Makes Anti-Semitic Allegation Without Providing Proof

In January 2006, Terence Wall alleged then-Mayor Serena DiMaso of making anti-Semitic remarks but did not provide any proof.  According to the news reporting at the time,  "DiMaso was understandably ballistic, claiming that Wall was only making trouble because he did not get to be mayor and pointing to what she said was “a pattern of deceit and manipulation” by Wall that spans years.

In her own press release, DiMaso accuses Wall of, among other things, manipulating the voice of former state Sen. John O. Bennett on one of Wall’s campaign recordings; manipulating a tape made by state Sen. Joe Kyrillos, and double dipping as a Holmdel committeeman and Keansburg’s town manager. She also noted Davey’s accusation that Wall turned up drunk at a public meeting and called for Wall to prove his anti-Semitic accusations against her or resign."

It was mentioned in the same news article that "in 2002 when the Holmdel Township Committee hired an attorney to prosecute Wall for harassment, disorderly conduct and disrupting a public meeting. Wall, for his part, filed counter-charges against Davey for ethics violations."



2001 - Wall Censured by Holmdel Township Committee

On October 22, 2001, Holmdel Township Committee, by a vote of 4-1, censured Committeeman Terence Wall for violating ethical standards by releasing "confidential information concerning the property, government, personnel, or affairs of the Township" without proper legal authorization.

According to the news article, "the resolution, which the committee plans to amend slightly, also cites complaints of residents or their representative about 'alleged harassment in person and via phone and electronic mail'."

It was also reported that "In connection with the Oct. 22 censure vote, Deputy Mayor Gray Aumiller filed an incident report with the Holmdel Police Department the next day, stating, according to information released by police that he, the complainant, "was confronted" by Committeeman Wall after the meeting, at about 12:15 a.m."



Paid for by Save Holmdel Students and is not in cooperation or prior consent of, or in consultation with, or at the request or suggestion of any candidate or person or committee acting on behalf of the candidate. 

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